VHS to DVD Transfer Services Minnesota

VHS to DVD MinnesotaLots of Minnesotans still have VHS tapes with precious memories stored on them. Tucked away in the back of home entertainment centers, those tapes hold memories that will one day excite grandchildren. But those tapes are deteriorating and Two Squares digital transfer service can help. As more and more people switch to flat screen TVs and clean out those big, bulky entertainment centers and trade them in for wall mounts and sleek, wire-free stands, they find those VHS tapes and wonder what to do with them. The VCR was thrown away years ago in favor of DVD players, Blue-Ray, and internet streaming services. And now there’s nothing with which to see those cherished memories (perhaps of a child’s first words, a trip to Niagara Falls, or a piano recital). This is just one reason why you should have those VHS tapes converted to DVDs, so you will always be able to watch those precious moments. Continue reading “VHS to DVD Transfer Services Minnesota”